壳牌22号脂AeroShell Grease 22
壳牌22号脂AeroShell Grease 22符合MIL-PRF-81322G标准,适用于飞机各个部位的轴承、接头等部位,具备以下特点:
√ 通用性强,可用于机轮轴承、发动机附件、控制系统、执行器、千斤顶、伺服机构和电机等各个部位
√ 宽温使用性能优异,使用温度为-65 ~ 204℃"
AeroShell Grease 22
Versatile Multipurpose Grease
Corrosion inhibited and fortified against oxidation, it has excellent anti-wear properties, load-carrying capacity and water resistance, plus a wide useful temperature range of -54°C to +177°C. Recommended for aircraft wheel bearings, engine accessories and airframe lubrication and for anti-friction bearings operating at high speeds and at high or low temperatures.