Castrol Variocut B 30 高性能的纯油性切削液
Castrol Variocut B 30 是 一种不含氯和重金属的纯油 性切削液 。
Variocut B 30 是专门为不锈钢的拉削和高拉伸钢的苛刻加工设计开发的产品。 它也适合于齿轮的铣 削、切削和成型加工。
Variocut B 30 含有活性硫, 不适合铜合金的加工。
先进的添加剂技术保证了优秀的极压润 滑性,延长了刀具寿命,从而降低了成本
提高了表面光洁度和加工速度 ,从而提高了生产效率
不含氯的配方使得废 油处理成 本降低, 同时也保护了环境
To avoid product deterioration always keep the container/drum tightly sealed. Store the product in a cool, dry
place away from direct sunlight. Prevent exposure to frost and avoid water ingress. For optimum product
stability, it is preferable to store the product indoors between 5°C and 45 °C / 41°F and 113°F.
For more details, please refer the product safety data sheet.
关键词:嘉实多,Castrol Variocut B 30,Castrol,切削液